The Kathmandu Valley's smog owes much to the highly polluting brick kilns that dot its southern expanses. What's worse, the smoke billowing out of these towers obscures the terrible conditions in which its workers - including many children and donkeys - slave for minimal reward. These are the victims of the capital's housing boom.
It's time we moved away from 'blood bricks'. This may be possible now, as Animal Nepal's award to Indra Tuladhar of Bungamati Itha Udyog last week indicated. Tuladhar was honoured for producing 'clean and green' bricks using Chinese technology, and the animal welfare organisation hopes other brick producers will follow suit to reduce pollution and stop the exploitation of kids and animals. "The industry has the technology and the resources to stop the production of 'blood bricks'; all it needs is the right motivation," says Krishna Singh, program manager at Animal Nepal. "We can address the issues by introducing new technologies such as Vertical Shaft Brick Kilns and automated machinery."