Despite yawning economic growth rates, Nepal´s energy demand is projected to increase four folds over the next 20 years, stated National Energy Strategy (NES) 2010. The projected demand, estimated on the assumption that the country´s economic growth will remain at 5.6 percent on average till 2030, might go up if the country achieves higher growth rates, NES underlined.Nepal´s economic growth rate was 3.5 percent last year, much lesser than the projected growth of 5.5 percent.
The strategic policy paper prepared by Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) aims to meet the growing demand by generating hydroelectricty and reduce the dependence on bio mass and fossil fuels. It has envisioned that by 2030 dependency over bio mass will be reduced by 33 percent. This reduction is likely to decrease the rural households´ reliance on firewood thereby trimming down the detrimental effects on the environment.
At 86 percent, bio-fuel still commands the lion´s share of the total energy demand. Fossil fuel, likewise, consists of 11 percent of the national energy demand. Hydropower and renewable energy make up 1.8 and 1 percentages of energy demand respectively. NES has also projected that the demand for hydropower energy will reach 12,000 MW by 2030. This implies that power generation endeavors will have to make significant strides by the next 20 years.