Friday, July 22

Generate electricity, or protect tourism?

Paavan Mathema
Sindhupalchok ,Nepal
Durga Shrestha of Sakhuwa village is worried. There is talk of a new hydropower project on the Bhote Kosi and he is concerned his adventure tourism job will go.The 102MW Middle Bhote Kosi project is a subsidiary of Chilime Hydropower and will have a gated diversion weir at Chaku, and a powerhouse 7 km downstream at Jambu village. With the feasibility done, construction is set to begin in 2013 and the project will be completed in four years. 

The project will be the third hydropower plant on this stretch of the river, and has become the latest example of Nepal's need for energy clashing with tourism. With the country reeling from 16-hour power cuts in winter, the government has declared an energy emergency and encouraged investors in hydropower."We hear that if the project is implemented, the river will run dry, so will our jobs," says Durga Shrestha.The Bhote Kosi has its headwaters in Tibet and cuts through the Himalaya through mighty gorges with steep gradient. With 80 rapids within 21 km, many up to Grade 5, the Bhote Kosi is one of the world's top ten rivers for white water rafting and the venue for many international rafting and kayaking championships. It is also a river prone to glacial lake outburst floods, and there are a dozen lakes upstream in Tibet that could overflow in future because of thawing due to climate change. 

Wednesday, July 13

Nepal's first wind energy project in a dying state

The country's first and model wind energy development project established to light up villages has itself trapped in the shadow of neglect.

Twenty-five years passed since the project was set up in Kagbeni of Mustang district, but it is about to turn into ruins now, thanks to utter indifference by authorities concerned.

Established in 2042 BS with the support from foreign donors and an investment of around Rs 10 million, the 20-KW wind energy centre was shut down within two months of operation after pillars of its wall crumbled and two fans were destroyed by high wind blowing from the north.

The previous government way back had appointed eight staff under the leadership of engineer Bhola Shrestha to smoothly run the project. However, not a single employee are there now.

Wednesday, July 6

१ सय २ मेगावाटको मध्य भोटेकोशी बन्ने

ध्रुव दङ्गाल, चौतारा, सिन्धुपाल्चोक
सिन्धुपाल्चोककमा पहिलोपटक जिल्लाबासी र सर्वसाधरणसमेतको सेयर लगानीमा १ सय २ मेगावाट क्षमताको मध्ये भोटेकोशी जलविद्युत आयोजना निर्माण हुने भएको छ। चिलिमे जलविद्युत पावर कम्पनीको नेतृत्वमा बन्न लागेको यो आयोजना जिल्लामा सबैभन्दा ठूलो हो।

गत साउनमा कम्पनी रजिष्टर्डको कार्यालयमा मध्ये भोटेकोसी पावर कम्पनीको रुपमा दर्ता यो आयोजना पिपिए (विद्यतु खरिद सम्झौता) को प्रक्रियामा छ। साता-१० दिनमै पिपिए सम्झौता हुने आयोजनाका प्रवन्ध सञ्चालक प्रकाशमान श्रेष्ठले बताए। 'पिपिए अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको छ,' उनले नागरिकसँग भने।

व्याजसहित १५ अर्ब रुपैयाँ लागतमा बन्ने आयोजना सन् २०१३ को सुरुवातमा निर्माण सुरु गरी सन् २०१६ को अन्त्यमा सम्पन्न गर्ने लक्ष्य लिइएको छ। आयोजनामा चिलिमेको ३८, नेपाल विद्युत प्राधिकरणको १० तथा स्थानीय नेपाल अरनिको हाइड्रो कम्पनी, सिन्धु इन्भेष्टमेन्ट कम्पनी प्रालि र सिन्धुपाल्चोक हाइड्रो पावर कम्पनीको एक/एक प्रतिशत संस्थापक सेयर रहने श्रेष्ठले जानकारी दिए। उनका अनुसार सर्वसाधरणलाई १५, प्रभावित जिल्लाबासीलाई १०, कर्मचारी सञ्चय कोषलाई १९.५ र आयोजनामा कार्यरत कर्मचारीलाई ३.५ प्रतिशत सेयर दिइनेछ।

Saturday, July 2

Small is beautiful

                            A small electric car makes big sense in Kathmandu.

Monday, June 27

बीबीसी साझा सवाल

आफ्नै गाउँमा जलविद्युत परियोजना बन्दा के साँच्चै फाइदा हुन्छ त? देशभरि जलविद्युत उत्पादनको प्रचुर क्षमता छ भनिदाँ त्यस्ता जलविद्युत परियोजनाबाट स्थानीय बासिन्दाहरुले के फाइदा लिन सक्छन् त? रसुवाको धुन्चेमा निर्माण गरिएको यो साझा सवालमा चिलिमे जलविद्युत परियोजनालाई सफल परियोजना बनाउन योगदान पुर्याउनुभएका यसका प्रमुख योजनाकार डा. डम्मर नेपाली र विद्युत विकास विभागका उपमहानिर्देशक डा. सञ्जय शर्मा हुनुहुन्छ ।