Monday, June 4

Monetising nature

Mugu, Nepal
An international team of experts this month completed a survey of 27 important bird areas in Nepal to see how conserving them doesn't just save nature, but can also provide income to local people.

The team included staff from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Bird Conservation Nepal (BCN) and the Cambridge-based BirdLife Secretariat, and they used a concept known as "eco-system service" to quantify the impact of conservation on local development.

The last of the selected sites to be surveyed was Rara National Park, where the lake is an important habitat for indigenous migratory birds. "Rara provides refuge for the globally threatened chir pheasant," explains Rara's warden, Durga Poudel, "and its pine and mixed forests are populated by red panda, musk deer and Himalayan thar."

BCN is working on a UK Government-funded Darwin Initiative project that assesses and quantifies the resources provided from nature by areas with rich birdlife. Field surveys are being carried out by the project at four sites: Shivapuri-Nagarjun National Park and Phulchoki Community Forest in Kathmandu, Kosi Tappu Wildlife Reserve and Rara National Park. The team is measuring how much carbon is being stored in the vegetation, the provision of clean water, harvesting of wild and cultivated products, and eco-tourism.

Saturday, May 26

2012 IUCN – Thomson Reuters Environmental Media Award

Welcome to the 2012 IUCN - Thomson Reuters Environmental Media Award. Submit an article for your chance to win a trip to the IUCN World Conservation Congress in South Korea in September!

The Award
Established in 1998 by the Thomson Reuters Foundation and IUCN, the Award aims to raise global awareness of environmental and sustainable development issues by encouraging high standards in environmental reporting worldwide.

The Prize
The winner of the 2012 IUCN - Thomson Reuters Environmental Media Award will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to Jeju Island, South Korea, from 6 to 15 of September 2012, to attend IUCN’s 2012 World Conservation Congress, the world’s leading summit on the environment.

The winner
The competition closes at 17:00 CET on 15 June 2012. The writer of the article with the most votes at the close of the competition will be deemed the winner. IUCN reserves the right to disqualify inappropriate or offensive entries. The winner will be announced on 1 July 2012.

Friday, May 18

साझेदारी वन पदाधिकारीकै खाने भाँडो

मुकेश पोखरेल, नवलपरासी
नवलपरासी, बंजरियाको बुद्धशान्ति साझ्ेदारी वन व्यवस्थापन समूहका पदाधिकारी उपभोक्तालाई बिक्रीवितरण गरिनुपर्ने सहुलियत मूल्यका काठ-दाउरा आफैं किनेर बजारमा महँगोमा बेच्ने धन्दामा लागेका छन्। उपभोक्ताले दिएको सूचनाका आधारमा १२ वैशाखमा जिल्लाको रामग्राम नगरपालिका-१ स्थित भगवती स-मिलबाट बरामद १०९ क्यूफिट काठले यही कुरा पुष्टि गर्दछ।
 आफ्नै नाममा काठ किनेर समूहका अध्यक्ष मनिराम यादवले बनाएको छुट पुर्जी। 
आफ्नै नाममा काठ किनेर समूहका अध्यक्ष मनिराम यादवले बनाएको छुट पुर्जी। 

सुक्रौली लैजाने भनिएको सो काठ ७ चैत २०६८ मा आफैं किनेका समूहका कार्यवाहक संयोजक मनिराम यादवले त्यसको छूट पुर्जी (अनुमतिपत्र) मा आफैं हस्ताक्षर गरेका छन्। स-मिलबाट बरामद काठ यादवले बेचेको पुष्टि भएपछि उनले यो सबै काम सहायक वन अधिकृत सुरेश गुप्ताको सल्लाहमा गरेको हिमाल लाई बताए। “म घरमा पूजामा व्यस्त थिएँ। सुरेश सरले फोन गरेर ५-६ वटा छूट पुर्जीमा हस्ताक्षर गरिदिनुस् भन्नुभयो, समूहका सचिव जुगुत कुर्मी पुर्जी लिएर आए, मैले हस्ताक्षर गरिदिएँ। काठ कहाँ गयो, के भयो मलाई थाहा छैन”, उनले भने।

संयोजकले धन्दामा जोडिएको आरोप लगाएका सहायक वन अधिकृत गुप्ता नै अनुसन्धानका लागि जिल्ला वन कार्यालयबाट खटाइएका छन् र उनी आफैं वन समूहका पदाधिकारीले गल्ती गरेको भन्दै पत्रकारहरूलाई प्रतिक्रिया पनि दिइरहेका छन्। साझेदारी वन समूहका पदाधिकारीहरूले यसअघि पनि वन कर्मचारीको सहयोग र आडमा नियम विपरीत काम गर्दै आएका हुन्। गुईंठा र पराल बालेर इन्धनको जोहो गरिरहेका उपभोक्ताले ईंट्टाभट्टा र स-मिललाई दाउरा-काठ बेच्ने गरेको फेला पारेर कारबाही गर्न थालेपछि मात्रै वन कार्यालय छानबिन गर्न बाध्य भएको हो।

Wednesday, May 9

फिलिप्स इनोभेसन अवार्डको फाइनलमा “वर्षा पम्प”

नेपालको पहाडी भूभागमा उपयोगी हुने सिँचाइ गर्ने प्रविधि 'वर्षा पम्प' अहिले फिलिप्स इनोभेसन अवार्डको फाइनलमा पुगेको छ । यसको अनुसन्धानमा लागेका प्रताप थापाका अनुसार प्रतियोगिता जितेमा त्यसबाट प्राप्त रकमले रोटरी क्लबसँग मिलेर भैँसिपाटीमा आउँदो अगस्टामा बर्षा पम्प जडान गर्ने उद्देश्य राखेको छ ।

तर प्रतियोगिता जित्नको लागि भने प्रतिस्पर्धीहरुको बिचमा भोटको गणना हुने उल्लेख गर्दै थापाले सहयोगका लागि सबैलाई अनुरोध गरेको छ । थापाका अनुसार गएर लाइक गरेपछि भोट दिएको हुनेछ ।

Monday, May 7

An avalanche in Annapurna mountain range and a sudden flood in the Seti River

Pokhara, Nepal
The death toll in Saturday's flashflood on the Seti river in Kaski district has gone up to 17, while the number of those missing has risen to 47.

Experts said the flash flood in the Seti River could be landslide induced rather than the result of avalanche or Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF). “The debris in the river did not comprise boulders and moraine — associated with glaciers — so the cause was landslide as the water was very muddy,” said Pradeep Mool, glacier expert at International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). Meteorological Forecasting Division said, it’s still unclear what induced the landslide. “It wasn’t an intense rainfall induced flood,” said Mandira Shrestha, water resource expert at ICIMOD. Initially, it was thought an ice avalanche had caused the flood, but later Nepali Army said the flood was due to landslide.